Friday, May 16, 2008

The Time Has Come

My Little Munchkin caught me by surprise this morning!
As I was getting ready this morning, Kyle was in the process of waking up. He decided to make a liar out of me since my post a couple of days ago about wanting to sleep in on school days! LOL. He does well having alone time after waking up...he plays, laughs, and entertains himself quite well. After showering and blow drying my hair he would have had enough and it would be time to rescue him from his crib.
Not this morning...I'm in the process of drying my hair and turn to see Kyle running to greet me. I was shocked...Yes, he climbed out of his crib! He had this sense of great accomplishment and such a big smile on his face. I was caught off guard, but honestly I can't believe it took him this long to figure out how to crawl out of his crib. As much as he likes to climb, I was expecting this much sooner! I so wish I could have been a fly on the wall to catch the action on video or at least have gotten a picture or two.
Well, our next step??? That is yet to be determined. I always said once he climbs out of the crib I was going to try a crib tent. Well, at this stage of the game, he probably is too big for the tent and would figure out in a heartbeat how to take it apart. Kyle is a great problem solver, once he does something once or twice he has it mastered and will repeat it continuously. I assume if this keeps happening a "big boy bed" will be in the near future.
On one hand this is an exciting "milestone", but on the flip side it may be a bit stressful. We will see how he does tonight at bedtime. It should be an interesting weekend around our house.
If anyone has any helpful hints or words of advice please let me know! I will keep everyone posted on how things progress.
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
UPDATE: 8:20P.M. Kyle climbed out of his crib again. We heard a loud thud and as we were heading upstairs we heard the door to his room opening. My main fear is that he will hurt himself, so we put some pillows on the floor around his crib. I'm afraid this will make it easier for him to get out, but for the time being it gives me a little bit of comfort. I will be researching crib rails on the internet tonight. If we think we may need to special order rails for his crib we will be headed to Treasure Rooms in the morning. (Treasure Rooms is where we purchased his crib.) Wish us luck. Hopefully I won't be back with another update this evening. I'm mainly updating just to keep a record for the future. Good night.