Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Getting Old or Growing Up?

Our neighbors behind us were having quite the loud party last night with loud music, talking, and laughing. Of course, the party started soon before we were headed to bed. John and I think it was a high school graduation party, but are not a thousand percent sure. Thankfully, Kyle's room is on the other side of the house so it didn't disturb him. It did, however, keep John and me awake much later than we had anticipated and had Chloe wound up.
"Back in the day", I would have been the one having a great time at the party and wouldn't have thought twice about disturbing people in close proximity. You could say I had my share of fun the last two years of high school and into college. A scary thought occurred to me that this will be Kyle 16 years from now...having a graduation party in our backyard. As fast as time flies, it will be here before I know it. I may need to start preparing myself for it now!
Last night I came to a conclusion that either, I am getting old or have grown up because I was quite annoyed with the festivities. It probably is a combination of the two, along with the fact I have to wake up early with a toddler the next morning. Which isn't easy since I am not a morning person what-so-ever!
Even though, I was operating on a little less sleep this morning I had a very productive couple of hours while Kyle was at school. On top of that, Kyle had a great day at school. The past couple of weeks, Kyle has been having somewhat of a rough time at school so I was super excited to get this report. I have my fingers (and toes) crossed that it continues.
I realized my posts haven't included pictures recently. I've been slacking in the picture taking department. Need to get the camera dusted off and get too work.