Saturday, June 14, 2008

Household Responsibility

When John and I got married we did everything together... shopping, errands, cleaning, yard work, etc. This continued until Kyle came along and then we began doing things separately. John does help with dishes, laundry, and keeping the house in order. I also help with the outside chores such as mowing the grass. With John working so much lately, I've been attempting to try and get more things done so he doesn't have to worry about taking care of it when he is home.
We have begun to question if we need to divide the work between us...each having our separate responsibilities. This dilema started last week when I attempted to cut the grass. I had cut half of the front yard and needed to take a break. Yep, it was probably close to 90 degrees and it was the heat of the day. I went to restart the lawn mower and no luck. After trying for a few minutes, I decided to check the oil. It seemed really low so I added a can of oil. Thinking, how brilliant I was to think of such a technical fix to my problem, I started the mower again. This time it started..Yeah, I can finish now! No...the mower sounded like it was on it's last leg and had white smoke pouring out of it. I was afraid I would blow the mower up so I quit before that disaster occured. Come to find out I put WAY too much oil in the mower, so when John came home we had to drain most of it out. Not a pleasant experience. So, I may be fired from my mowing duties for now...which might not be a bad thing!
Fast forward to last night. While I was out last night, John was so kind to finish up the remainder of the laundry. John has always done what he calls "bachelor" laundry, meaning he washes everything together..whites, darks, etc. This bachelor load didn't turn out so great. He managed to turn my new white shorts and my new white shirt pink by washing it with a brand new red shirt. (Can you tell we went on a shopping spree.) Needless, to say he isn't very happy that I will be going shopping again to replace my shirt and shorts, which also means I will most likely find more clothes I want to buy!
So, our lesson in all of this...I will be responsible for laundry and John will be responsible for mowing. In my eyes, this isn't such a bad thing since my chore can be done inside where it is nice and cool!
How do you have your household responsibilites divided? Any funny or not so funny stories you have to share? I'm always up for a good laugh at the expense of others...LOL!