We have experienced some unseasonably "warm" days in STL which certainly is a nice change from the bitter cold temperatures. After Kyle's All Aboard The Train workshop we headed to the park to enjoy the weather. It sure was nice to be outside and get a breath of fresh air. Kyle played on the playground and we also explored the park and just loved being outside. Unfortunately, our camera battery wasn't charged so we don't have many good photos at the park. It felt wonderful to leave the house and not have to get Kyle and ourselves bundled up with winter coats, gloves, and hats. To top off our "spring" like Saturday, we fired up the grill at dinner time and enjoyed some delicious steaks. Oh, how I wish these type of days were here to stay, but mother nature has other things in mind!
I hope everyone else experienced pleasant temperatures and were able to enjoy the weekend outdoors!
Kyle in action on the playground

I wish spring would get here...it has been a COLD winter, even in Florida...(BTW, I am giving away a pair of $80 sunglasses on my blog this week so come check it out if you get a second).
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