Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Plans Are Finally Set

I think I may need a vacation from planning a vacation. If you haven't followed our vacation plans you can read the previous posts here, here, and here.
Due to the uncertainty of Hurricane Gustav, I have decided not to attend my high school reunion in New Orleans. I'm very disappointed, but am hoping it will be rescheduled. Instead, we are heading to Gatlinburg, TN. We went to Gatlinburg last year and had a wonderful vacation. Since our plans were spur of the moment, we thought it would be best to go somewhere we knew, instead of planning a trip to a new destination on such short notice. We will pack and prepare things tomorrow and hit the road on Friday morning. Kyle is a year older so we are planning different activities than we did last year.
My parents are taking precautions and are evacuating the New Orleans area. They will be in Gatlinburg as well, so they will have the opportunity to visit with Kyle. Who knows...maybe even do a little babysitting??? Ha.Ha.
I guess, we weren't meant to go to the beach this year, but may plan to go next year...obviously, before hurricane season begins!!


Preppy Lizard said...

Have fun on your trip this weekend.