Mommy got another new set of wheels. This time...a new stroller!! I'm very excited about this new purchase. Yes, I realize, I must get a life if this makes me so happy! This is the sixth stroller I have had...yep, six! The past two strollers have been umbrella strollers. These are great since they are lightweight and don't take up much room in the car. However, if I used an umbrella much longer, I would need to have back surgery. The handles are so low, I would need to bend down in order to push the stroller. Not to mention, my long legs would kick the wheels with each step. At the mall, this weekend, I up and decided I was "all done" with the stroller, so we set out on a hunt for a new one. I couldn't fathom being on a twelve day vacation with the umbrella stroller!
I'm hoping this new Joovy Kooper stroller will fit the bill. It is a little heavier and larger, but the pros outweigh the cons. It is the perfect height so I can stand up straight and push with ease. It has a basket underneath for storage and a double size canopy. The back wheels are set far enough out so I don't kick the wheels when walking. I LOVE the stroller so far!! Since, Kyle is older, I don't use a stroller as often as I have in the past, but when I want to use the stroller, it will be nice to have a comfortable one for me and also for Kyle.
For all you mommies, what is your favorite stroller?
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