Monday, March 24, 2008

Will It Ever End???

The poor ‘Lil Munchkin is sick again. A couple of days ago he seemed like he may be coming down with something. Now he officially has a cold and a pretty nasty sounding cough. He sounds like he has been smoking ten packs of cigarettes a day. We have been keeping things low key for a couple of days so hopefully he will be back to normal in no time. Poor little guy has only been outside once in two days and that was for his five minute egg hunt on Easter. Although he is not up to par he still has the energy of the “Energizer Bunny”.

It seems since Thanksgiving, our little family has been through one sickness after another. From a cold, strep-throat, stomach flu (all three of us at the same time…very unpleasant to say the least!), and coughs we’re ready to kiss it all good bye…at least until next winter. Since Kyle started school in November he has been sicker than usual, but we anticipated this would occur. The pros of school far outweigh the few times he has been sick in our opinion. This seems to have been a very sickly winter for the majority of people…at least in the St. Louis area. Has this been the case for any of my readers? If so, I at least hope this message finds you well.