Sunday, March 16, 2008

Preschool at Two??

Why yes, Kyle attends "preschool" at the age of two on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Due to Kyle's pre-maturity he is experiencing some developmental delays. In November '07 he began a preschool program which he thoroughly enjoys and is receiving several therapy services. He has already learned a tremendous amount on top of the peer interaction, which I feel is so very important for him at this age, especially since he is an only child. I never would have dreamed of sending my two- year old son to school, but he loves it so and has truly blossomed since beginning the program. Kyle will be attending this particular school until Oct. '08 when he turns 3. At that time he will be switching preschools which will be determined in the near future. Below are a few pictures of Kyle all set and ready to head off to school. He has an adorable monogrammed sports themed backpack which he loves to carry and showoff. Enjoy the pictures!
Leaving The House For School
Big Smiles...I'm So Excited! Back Home From School