Recently, Kyle has been assisting with the laundry. Kyle has been carrying clothes from the hamper to the laundry room, but this evening he decided to take it one step further. Kyle wanted to actually put the clothes in the washing machine. We brought his step stool in from the kitchen so he could reach the machine. Later, as I was putting another load in the machine, he came marching in the laundry room carrying his step stool to help. I was able to get a few action shots of Kyle being the "Little Laundry Helper". Now, if only, I could teach him to fold the clothes then I would have it made! Maybe one day, but by then I'm sure he will be old enough to realize that doing laundry really isn't all that much fun!

My 3 1/2 year old D-Man loves to help with the laundry too! I hope it lasts into his college years.
It's time for allowance money mommy!!
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