Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Little Munchkin Turns THREE!!!!!

I'm not sure where the time has has truely flown by! I think back to three years ago not knowing what Kyle's future would be. I feel so blessed he beat the odds and has grown into such a happy and healthy little fellow. Kyle has overcome so many obstacles and has come such a long long way! He is my little "miracle" and I love him so very much!
Kyle's birthday weekend has been very busy and tons of fun! I will be writing several posts in the coming days about his celebrations....sorry in advance for the overload, but he only turns three once!
John and I have been super excited about his present....a Thomas train table and Thomas Roundhouse Train Set. We knew he would absolutely love it and I believe it's safe to say it was a huge hit!! The only thing he wanted to do today was play with the trains. We also decorated one wall in his playroom with all of Thomas's friends. The play area looks so cute and Kyle loves it so much!
Thomas train table and Roundhouse Set.
Thomas area in the playroom. Roundhouse Set. Doesn't the wall decor look great?? I spent hours painting and stenciling. Ha...they are stickers!
Kyle grinning from ear to ear.
Playing, playing....
and more playing!