Friday, April 10, 2009

Pound Party

We had a huge celebration this week in the Spence house. I'm sure you are wondering what the occasion might be...birthday, anniversary, graduation, promotion, etc. Well, this isn't just an ordinary party, but what we like to call a "Pound Party". Have you ever been to one of these fun and exciting celebrations? The Spence Family has been to Twenty Nine pound parties!

Since Kyle was born a micro-preemie at just one pound ten ounces, we have a "pound party" at each new pound mark. We clearly remember when Kyle was in the NICU having a "two pound party". At the time it was such a huge milestone and each pound from them on turned into a little party and it's own little milestone. I have always been concerned about Kyle's weight, especially his first year, that I purchased an infant/baby scale and would weigh him on a daily basis. I'm still obsessed with his weight, but only slighty and yes, we still weigh him every single night after his bath. For many months he has been teetering in the twenty nine pound range, but this week he finally hit the BIG 30! It was such an awesome feeling to see the number 30 on the scale. The three of us were very excitied...we even did a little dance, sang, and clapped.

I'm certain, many parents hit this "milestone", months, if not years before Kyle did, but since he was a micro-preemie we can't take anything for granted with Kyle and need to feel blessed for each and every one of his accomplishments, even if he may be behind the curve with many of them. I certainly am very proud of My Little Munchkin and look forward to many more "pound parties" in the future as well as many other milestone celebrations.