Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back To School

Today was Kyle's first day back to school....his second year of preschool through the local school district. Kyle is attending school in the same location as last year, although he does have a new teacher, new assistant, new therapists, and a new classroom. John and I were a little hesitant that so many things were changing, however change can be postive...a "fresh" set of eyes focusing on Kyle. We believe it will be a great year for Kyle...hopefully in many different developmental areas.

Yesterday, we atttended an open house to meet his new teacher and see his new surroundings. Kyle walked right in the classroom without any hestiation and began surveying the new room and playing with the toys. We were able to have a little one on one time with his teacher to discuss specific things about Kyle. It will take everyone involved a short while to get up to speed on where Kyle is developmentally, but I'm certain the transition will be very smooth. There are a couple of the same children in his class as last year, so it is nice for him to have some familar faces. Also, with only ten children in his class, he will have the opportunity for more one on one time with the teachers, therapists, and assistants to assist him in obtaining his yearly school goals. I have added several pictures of Kyle from his first day "Back To School"!

Off to school

Sporting his new personalized
firetruck backpack